Hypnobirthing Services
Hypnobirthing is a full birth preparation course. It gives you the tools to use during labour and birth and helps you to alleviate fear.
You’ll learn what happens during the birth of your baby and understand the options available to you. Yes you have options during labour and birth and you’ll develop ways of making the best decisions for you and your baby.
Hypnobirthing is for ALL births. If your birth goes a different way to what you had hoped or expected, hypnobirthing gives you the strategies (coping mechanisms) to stay calm and feel more in control, feel comfortable and view your babies birth as a positive experience.
Hypnobirthing allows you to understand the conscious and unconscious mind, to be free of the fear or negative emotions surrounding birth and builds trust in your body to birth your baby. Our babies are amazing and women have been birthing babies for millions of years. It gives you simple but powerful tools to allow your body to relax during the birth of your baby.
Simply, a relaxed body and embracing trust allows our amazing hormones to flow making birth easier. If we work with our body and mind, not against it we can have a shorter more relaxed birth.
Hypnobirthing is a mindset, and an understanding of your mind and body, how they work together either in favour of, or against, labour. It's about adjusting your mindset and expectations, challenging negative thoughts/beliefs and building and preparing a positive and calm birthing environment. We will use deep relaxation, positive affirmations, visualisation and breathing techniques to prepare you as best we can, giving you tools to empower you throughout your pregnancy and birthing journey.
I believe that knowledge is power, and after this course you will feel equipped to ask questions and make informed decisions about your care, to ultimately have the best experience for you.
What is the ‘hypno’ in hypnobirthing?
Basically hypnobirthing is self hypnosis. There is no mind control, it a choice and you have to want to do it and essentially let yourself go.
It is accessing the deep unconscious mind and switching off or taking yourself away from what is happening, being in a deep relaxed state of mind. Using the tools given to you and practicing regularly during pregnancy by listening to your MP3’s will support you with the hypnosis/relaxation. The more relaxed your body and mind are during labour the better the muscles of the uterus can work to get your baby out and the more comfortable labour can be for you.
Yes Absolutley! Hypnobirthing is for any type of birth.
Hypnobirthing can be used in all births to help you stay calm and feel in control during labour:
• Induction of Labour
• Caesarean Sections
• VBAC’s / HBAC’s
• Hospital / Home / Birth Centres
• Water Births